Enhanced Care

The needs of older people can be complex, and many require specific nursing or memory care. We know we can influence and improve outcomes by investing in every aspect of an individual’s unique journey. By creating a culture of transparency with continual learning, feedback, modification, and improvement, we can provide the very highest standards of care and consideration to our residents and their families.

The needs of older people can be complex, and many require specific nursing or memory care. We know we can influence and improve outcomes by investing in every aspect of an individual’s unique journey. By creating a culture of transparency with continual learning, feedback, modification, and improvement, we can provide the very highest standards of care and consideration to our residents and their families.

Sleeping Safe and Sound

Our acoustic monitoring system employs the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the quality of sleep and wellbeing of residents.

The system detects even the most subtle disturbance or changes in breathing patterns and instantly alerts our care team to check on our residents for their safety throughout the night, typically before they have even stirred.

This personalised approach to care allows team members to learn each resident’s unique night routine instead of conducting hourly checks that may disrupt their sleep. Residents are likely to be more alert during the day, have an improved appetite and increased engagement in life-enrichment activities.

Pain Management System

Our homes utilise advanced artificial intelligence to offer optimal pain management for our residents. The technology scrutinises facial muscle movements and pain-related behaviours to detect the presence of pain even when it is not apparent. We can determine which pain management interventions to implement and monitor their effectiveness over time by calculating an overall pain score. This technology enables us to provide our residents with the care and attention they rightfully deserve.

Falls Prevention System

The thermal imaging technology allows residents to enjoy a greater degree of personal safety and independence. The technology monitors each resident’s bedroom and notifies caregivers of any movement while also illuminating a pathway to assist with navigation and minimise the risk of injury. Each resident’s bed is surrounded by an infrared curtain that discreetly monitors when a resident gets out of bed. For those who are more mobile, an alarm can be set to sound if they do not return to bed within ten minutes. This system greatly reduces the risk of falls and hospital admissions, enhances sleep quality, and enables the team to address individual needs promptly.

Hotel Style Television Portal

Our state-of-the-art smart TV is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy for residents to navigate and access all its features. In addition to the standard functions you would expect from a modern television, such as streaming content, our interactive TV provides a wealth of helpful information for residents. This includes details about daily life enrichment activities and the daily changing menu options available for them to enjoy. Furthermore, the TV helps residents stay oriented and up-to-date by displaying the current date, weather, and news headlines, ensuring they always have the latest information at their fingertips.

Dietary Requirements

We take great care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our residents and have implemented advanced protocols and procedures designed to address the issue of allergens. Our care system has been integrated with a unique feature that alerts us immediately if a resident orders a menu item that includes any ingredients they are allergic or sensitive to. This means that we take a proactive approach to prevent any adverse reactions that could be harmful or uncomfortable for our residents.