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March 2024

How to Move a Loved One into a Care Home

When caring for older adults at home becomes increasingly difficult due to circumstances such as health concerns, dementia, or mobility limitations, residential care can be a supportive option.

 While this significant life change can be emotionally charged for both older people and families, approaching it with understanding and practical guidance can pave the way for a smoother transition.

 At KYN care homes in London, we do everything in our power to make the transition from home to a care home, or even between care homes, as simple as possible.

Recognising When Additional Care Is Needed

As our loved ones age, some of their needs may gradually increase and act as a sign that additional support options are necessary. These could include:

  • Assistance with daily living activities - When dressing, bathing or personal care become more difficult to manage, additional support can ensure comfort and safety.
  • Falls prevention and management - If falls risk increases, proactive measures like home adaptations or specialised care can provide peace of mind.
  • Dementia-related support – As dementia progresses people’s behaviour and care needs can change, specialised care settings can offer a safe and secure environment.
  • Managing health concerns - Frequent hospitalisations or infections may indicate a need for more consistent medical monitoring or assistance.
  • Caregiver well-being - Recognising and addressing caregiver burnout early on can ensure everyone's well-being and prevent future strain.

By being aware of these evolving needs and openly discussing potential support options, you can plan proactively and pave the way for a smooth transition when needed.

Discussing the Move to a Care Home with Your Loved One

Making the decision to move your loved one to a care home can be very emotional for everyone concerned. Change is uncertain, especially if a person has been in a particular routine for a long while. When discussing the move with your loved one, emphasise:

  • This move will allow them to live safer and more comfortably with round-the-clock assistance and friends. Frame the change positively.
  • The move is to enhance their care quality and enjoyment—not because they have become a burden. Support your loved one so they don’t feel guilty.
  • You investigated various options, but their increased needs make a move timely.
  • You’ll remain very involved in their care and life, visiting often. Console them if they have any fear of abandonment or isolation.
  • Suggest an initial short stay at the care home you have chosen so both of you can assess it together. A trial period allows adjustment time before the time to move is right.

Make sure to listen to all of your loved one’s concerns fully and provide reassurance that you will manage logistics. They simply need to focus on the move.

Arranging a Smooth Move

Moving a loved one into a care home can feel daunting—for you and your loved one. However, with careful planning and thoughtful execution, moving day can be a calm and positive experience.

Simplifying Paperwork

Work closely with the care home team to ensure all paperwork is completed prior to moving in and ensure any copies of any lasting power of attorney are made available.

Many homes will ask you and your loved one to provide information about their life story to help the team plan personalised plan of care. Although this may appear a daunting task, completing a life review for your loved one can be a wonderful experience helping you to share forgotten memories and life events. A life story book can also provide a lasting memento at the end of life.

Packing with Purpose

Spread out packing over time instead of rushing at the last minute. This means moving day isn’t frantic, reducing overall stress levels. Your loved one will then also have time to choose which cherished belongings to bring that will add a sense of familiarity to their new environment.

Timing is Key

Schedule the move after your loved one has visited the care home, met staff and sampled activities. This builds anticipation and eases anxieties.

Enlisting Help

Consider hiring professional movers to handle the physical aspects of the move, freeing you to focus on emotional support. If the budget is a bit tight, reach out to friends and family. This has the added bonus of putting a personal touch on the move.

Advance Room Setup

Work with the care home team to set up the new room beforehand. Arrange furniture familiarly, unpack cherished items and personalise the space. This creates a welcoming atmosphere for your loved one when they arrive.

Adapting to the Transition

Adjusting to a new home and care team requires time for both you and your loved one. Useful tips include:

  • Spend extra time visiting at first and bring their favourite foods or activities
  • Talk to staff daily at first to monitor the transition period
  • Notice what activities and approaches best calm and engage your loved one
  • Share any helpful notes on routines or preferences with staff
  • Inform staff of any concerns so they can respond sensitively
  • Once settled, step back contact to a sustainable frequency to avoid burnout

With family involvement and an experienced care team, a care home can quickly feel like home.

KYN’s Specialist Care Home Services

At KYN, we make moves seamless through guidance, care coordination and luxury amenities, whether it’s moving into a care home for the first time or even moving from one care home to another.

To learn more, contact KYN at +44 (0) 20 3535 1923 or Let us smoothly guide your loved one's transition into safe, dignified care tailored perfectly to their needs.

We would love to see you at our next Open Day.
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